Saturday, March 29, 2008
NAC Statement On CFE
- NATO Allies remain firmly committed to the CFE Treaty and wish to achieve the earliest possible entry into force of the Agreement on Adaptation.
NATO’s Agenda For Bucharest
NATO To Launch New TV Channel At Summit
Friday, March 28, 2008
Religion Is Now A Potential Ally Of Radical Social Change
For the militant secularists whose voices have grown ever louder in recent years, O'Brien's is the only face of religion that matters. This has been the decade of liberal rage against religion, reflected in the runaway success of books like Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion and Christopher Hitchens' God Is Not Great. In the eyes of secular absolutists - whose attitudes uncannily mirror those of religious literalists - religion is simply an intellectual travesty, a perverse belief in a supernatural being and an affront to the enlightenment that refuses to die. As the novelist Martin Amis declared recently: "Opposition to religion occupies the high ground, intellectually and morally."
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New video Illustrates NATO’s Role In The Fight Against Terrorism
“The more we use audio-visual material, the more we are understood by the public,” says Jean-François Bureau, NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for the Public Diplomacy Division.
Approximately 10 000 copies of the DVD will be distributed to the media, high level officials and the general public during the two-day NATO summit.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Who Speaks For German Muslims?
Bonn, Germany - The German Islam Conference has achieved its first concrete result: Muslim religious education will be introduced as a subject in German schools from next year. The move was agreed upon by representatives of the state and its Muslim population – in spite of what was sometimes a bitter controversy. A number of Muslim participants wanted to see a different kind of religious education – the sort of neutral education about Islam which half the German states already offer.
'Germany Can Do More'
Entire Article
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Nabucco Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline In Jeopardy

ANKARA, March 25 (RIA Novosti) - The future of the Western-backed Nabucco trans-Caspian gas pipeline that is designed to bypass Russia could be in jeopardy, the Turkish daily Cumhuriyet said on Tuesday.
In what was widely seen as a major blow to the Nabucco project, Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan signed a deal in December to supply the Asian states' Caspian gas via Russia. Moscow also reached deals with Bulgaria and Serbia earlier this year on the South Stream pipeline to pump Central Asian gas to Europe
Blood Money & Greed: Whatever Happened To Cliff Ford?

Whatever Happened To The Money Trust Midnight Rider,
Cliff Ford?
If he was available for comment today his thoughts on the Global Economic condition formulating around us would not be surprising to him, but perhaps surprising to a great many.
Oh, well, we still have his books.
I encourage you to read his best, Blood Money and Greed
Book Description
For more than 200 years an international banking cartel has literally bought the world. Author Cliff Ford draws upon his extensive background in international finance to document how this group's plan to control the world's monetary system has progressed and how near they are to achieving their diabolical objective.
Kosovo: Fury and Tension
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Russia Plans Aid For Kosovo Serbs
Russia backs Serbia in its strong opposition to Kosovo's independence declaration, made last month.
Click for article
Russia's Lukoil Says Step Forward Made In Iraqi Oil Project
In a statement released by the company, Lukoil President Vagit Alekperov said the agreement was reached during a trip to Iraq where he met the nation's president, prime minister and other top officials.
For entire article
Russia-Egypt Nuclear Deal Signed
Agreement was reached during talks in Moscow between Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and President Vladimir Putin.
Friday, March 21, 2008
How German Intelligence Helped Justify the US Invasion of Iraq
March 22, 2008
Five years ago, the US government presented what it said was proof that Iraq harbored biological weapons. The information came from a source developed by German intelligence -- and it turned out to be disastrously wrong. But to this day, Germany denies any responsibility.
The man's codename is "Curveball." And in an earlier life, he played a crucial role in the geo-politics at the beginning of this decade: He was the man who provided vital "evidence" that ultimately contributed to the invasion of Iraq by the United States and its allies. But that role has since turned into his greatest problem: Everything he claimed to know about Iraq's weapons program, all the proof he presented, was fabricated. His lifeline, though, has yet to be cut: Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), remains loyal to their source. They keep him under cover and protect him from uncomfortable questions -- here in southern Germany.
For Entire Article Click Here
NATO Review: Bucharest: The Place Where Answers Take Shape?
Slick photos, pro-NATO business transformation models, everything past NATO members deceased or alive would love their sons and daughters to join.
Click here to go to NATO's Newest Monthly Media Propaganda
NATO and the Madonna Curve: Why A New Strategic Concept Is Vital
The quality of adapting to new tasks whilst staying true to one’s own principles is something which business analysts qualify as the Madonna-curve. This curve is named after the legendary pop-diva who reinvented herself each time her style and stardom went into inevitable decline, but whose audacity has lifted her up to ever higher levels of relevance and fame.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Shadow Of A Doubt - The Triangular Institution Of Family Part 1

Regarded by Alfred Hitchcock as his personal favorite, of all the movies he directed, the 1943 thriller "Shadow Of A Doubt" brings to a loving family an unsuspected menace.
Deep within the halls and corridors of whispered thoughts and intentions a family is punctured with the notion that a deeply loved member, (beloved Uncle Charlie, played by Joseph Cotten) is involved in some unscrupulous activities. The discovery of these activities is revealed to his loving niece named after him, (Charlie, played by Teresa Wright). Their Uncle-Niece relation transcends a deep all-loving affinity, almost spiritual in a sense, almost as one. And it is this affinity through which Uncle Charlie's activities are revealed. And it's these, extracurricular activities, which formulates the following topics into a unique triangular intent.
The unscrupulous activities from yesterdays whispered intentions at the End of The Cold War to today's full itinerary towards the Global Security agenda is the theme. Also in this theme, is how great and vast their unpublicized and heavily sponsored pursuits have been made especially through diplomacy. You see, some of our family members, even our favorite Uncle are on a specific target, set for a specific time line. I believe we all should take a closer look at some familiar and not so familiar family members whose past, present and future activities may surprise you. Indeed these exhaustive references and sources should be taking in with one breath at a time.
Remember, although we may have never had a family member involved in questionable pursuits it does not mean it cannot happen or immunity is applied. Indeed, when family members activities involve the life and well-being of others, especially without yours or mine consent, those whispered thoughts and intentions have the very possibility of being extremely dangerous and should be passed along to others for deeper scrutiny. After all, a families true trust and true accountability cannot happen under someone's breath or behind closed doors, as it is heading at the same time towards the open arms of a families true love.
Personally, for the past several weeks it's been very very hard and unsettling to sit on this research. At times, I even found myself torn, just as Teresa Wrights character was torn in regards to the new information about her favorite loving Uncle, in whether or not I should reveal this information at all because of the hurt and offense other family members would feel. Yet this was never my intent to hurt or offend any family member, it’s just that the facts are there. But through much prayer I now know its time to share this with you and to let you decide for yourself.
So this is where we depart into some unknown territory, into unknown intentions, into the unknown and without a Shadow of A Doubt, these are The Triangular Institutions of Family.
Brookings Institution 2007 Annual Report,
8th Annual Herzliya Conference & The Grand New NATO Proposal
Part 1
Brookings 2007 Annual Report
In Concert With A Cast of Hundreds That Publicly Went Global in 2007

Everybody's favorite Uncle Charlie breaks bread with the family and shares a little over dinner.
Taken from "Shadow Of A Doubt", 1943.
Mission Statement:
>Strengthen American democracy.
>Advance the economic and social welfare, security, and opportunity of all Americans.
>Secure a more open, safe, prosperous, and cooperative international system.
Brookings 2007 Annual Report brings an interesting collage of players in front and behind the scenes. Preparing itself to give advice to the next U.S. President, the annual report gives us an interesting perspective on think tanks.
On page 7., we can see a picture of Nathaniel Rothschild of the Brookings International Advisory Council sitting in on a meeting.
On page 23, Brookings went Global with permanent new centers in Beijing, China and in Doha, the capital city of Qatar. For the first time in their history they are expanding Globally. Recently, Madeline Albright spoke in Doha "Towards True Dialogue".
Brookings non-profit organization broke sponsorship records in 2007 as noted on page 29 and viewed in detail on page 34. One particular sponsor, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund graciously gave to familiar groups such as The Consensus Building Institute, Search For Common Ground which includes their News Service, The Elijah Interfaith Institute and the U.N. AoC Abraham Path Initiative which can also be found here at this SFCG Abraham Path Initiative news article.
A division in American faith on page 16 was briefly mentioned in regards to religious life and public policy. E.J. Dionne , whose book Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics After the Religious Right gives an interesting Brookings Christian interview at The Washington Post.
For our friends up north, on page 27 The Great Lakes Economic Initiative should be of interest this year in 2008.
Our favorite Uncle, Javier Solana, is noted as Changing The International Political Landscape on page 20.
Overall the Brookings 2007 Annual Report Mission Statement, as brief as it is, understates its past influence in International Systems. Outside of the 2007 Annual Report, of particular international interest is in the Middle East.
In a February 1, 2005 Brookings article entitled, “Fateful Triangle: The United States, Europe and The Middle East”, concerns over Transatlantic relations in The Middle East is addressed.
As matter of fact, a few days later in Haifi, we find a VIDEO conference series over Israel’s National Security and Foreign Policy where Brookings is inside the Triangular Dimension, from an American Perspective. This Gold Nugget of lengthy videos reveals a very unique and shared interest from several Europe, Israel, U.S. and even Czech Republic Ambassador Michael Zantovsky perspectives.
In actuality, Trans-Atlanticism, in the 21st Century, has been on the agenda at least since the end of the Cold War. Czech Amabssador Michael ZantovskY, in May of 1997, before the July NATO Madrid Summit, was found Rethinking Atlantic Security And Economics at “The Congress of Phoenix” along side Margaret Thatcher, Paul Wolfowitz and Arizona Senator Jon L. Kyl. The expansion of NATO, security concerns and the future of the alliance were the main topics.
But the stability, security and transformation of the Trans-Atlantic Triangle did not end in Phoenix nor Haifi. In 2008, one if it’s speakers will find him self staying up late for a brief discussion at Israel’s most beautiful resort town, important electronics center, and now leading non-governmental National Security Policy Center in Israel, The Herzliya Conference.
As Brother Herb would say, "Stay Tuned!"

Taken from "Shadow Of A Doubt" 1943.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Priestess, Regeneration And Interfaith Power & Light

Kabbalistic Approach
"She has been called occult Science on the threshold of the Sanctuary of Isis, but she is really the Secret Church, the House which is of God and man. She represents also the Second Marriage of the Prince who is no longer of this world; she is the spiritual Bride and Mother, the daughter of the stars and the Higher Garden of Eden. She is, in fine, the Queen of the borrowed light, but this is the light of all. She is the Moon nourished by the milk of the Supernal Mother".I N S P I R I N G
lists under the heading "Partnership Opportunities p. 11" a project called, "The Regeneration Project".
It's mission, "inspires people of all faiths to protect the environment through its Interfaith Power and Light Program and is seeking additional funding to recruit 1,000 new congregations to its cause".
When you visit Regenerations web page, they define themselves further as, "A religious response to global warming | 26 states | 4000 congregations and growing".
But it's interesting to note that on a March 2 and 3rd 2008 MSNBC broadcast called,
"God Goes Green: New Missions To Save The Earth", we find this quiet revolution not only saving the earth, but $$$$$$$$$$.
Christian and Jewish institutions shared their deep green concern for this MSNBC environmental saving the earth news bite.
Catholic nuns from Michigans Interfaith Power And Light group, Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart Of Mary from Monroe, Michigan were highlighted. Sister Janet Ryan says, "There is a new emphasis on ecological sensitivity and awareness as a way of manifesting God to the world"
Asked by MSNBC environmental journalist, "Do you feel Closer to God now? Sister Ryan replies, "I understand God in a new way and my concept of God has expanded and grown dramatically".
Another green faith missionary outpost to save the earth is Reformed Synagogue Temple Emmanuel in Kensington, Maryland. Rabbi Warren Stone says, "Being an active and caring Jew means caring for the earth". He goes on to say, "More and more people have become aware that this is perhaps the most central, moral and spiritual issue facing our world today".
MSNBC reports, "A desire to SAVE $$$$$$$$ led Prestonwood Baptist to their green crusade".
Mega church Pastor Jack Graham finds new purpose in the word of God by going green. Graham says, "Jesus said, "let there be no waste". This new stewardship focus is the center motivation for this new religious environmental movement, but is it a new spiritual awakening or a response to high energy costs and insecurity?
This new 11th Commandment is a response to energy insecurity, posing itself as a new awakening because of either manipulative energy markets or its final decline. Rest assured though, this old new science and faith movement is on the threshold merging religions right now and attempting to Power Up and Lighten Up a new generation.
Monday, March 17, 2008
'Germany, Israel face common threats'

Everything Must Go at Bear Stearns!!!! The Fire Sale Begins
Shares of Bear Stearns were set to plummet on Monday after news broke that JPMorgan Chase (JPM: 36.54, -1.57, -4.11%) has agreed to purchase the beleaguered Wall Street icon Bear Stearns (BSC: 30.00, -27.00, -47.36%) for $236 million.
That price values Bear’s shares at $2.
Click for entire article
Thursday, March 6, 2008
NATO Foreign Ministers Discuss Prospects On Enlargement And Operations
The meeting focused on enlargement of the 26-nation Alliance and current NATO missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan.
Deepen relations with Western Balkan
NATO Missions and operationsFor Entire Article