In the spirit of celebrating United Nations Day October 24, 2007
In the spirit of celebrating Javier Solana’s
“50 reasons To Say No to NATO”
And also
In the spirit of celebrating Javier Solana's Anti-Damascus Road Experience from


I present to all
“51 Reasons To Say NO To Global Governance”
1. Global Central Bank corruption, fraud and abuse with no accountability
2. Global Government corruption, fraud and abuse with no accountability
3. Military Industrial Complex corruption, fraud and abuse with no accountability
4. Global Police State powers enacted
5. Secret policies and amendments without the publics consent
6. Transfer of wealth from the middle class to the Upper Class
7. No more local voice
8. No public accountability
9. Media control by corporations and banks
10. No freedom of speech
11. No Habeas Corpus no more innocent until proven guilty
12. No liberty to travel to and fro strict activity prohibitions applied
13. No liberty to believe in ones own belief as TRUTH
14. Extreme taxation
15. Military abuse
16. Corporate and Bank run governments and municipalities
17. Pharmaceutical fraud and abuse with no accountability
18. Medical fraud and abuse with no accountability
19. Secret tribunals in the public/private sector
20. National Sovereignty abolished
21. Electronic Vote manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
22. Financial market manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
23. Consensus herd mentality decisions instead of individual mentality decisions
24. Multilateral Organizations manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
25. Favoritism toward relatives and relationships, based upon that relationship, rather than on an objective evaluation of ability or suitability – Nepotism
26. Regional Organizations manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
27. Corporate and bank Global Government run agriculture
28. Corporate and bank Global Government run athletics
29. Corporate and bank Global Government run entertainment
30. No relevance to the individual but rather to the interests of relevant stakeholders/shareholders in Global Government
31. No more self defense or self protection
32. Local and state laws no longer enforced
33. Global Judicial manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
34. No more personal rights
35. Philosophy implemented and enforced as truth EQUAL to religion
36. Handicapped and mentally challenged individuals are categorized as handicap to society
37. No more parental rights, children are sole Global Government World Citizen owned
38. Abortion mandated quotas enforced globally
39. Energy resource manipulation, fraud and abuse with no accountability
40. One size regional rule of law cannot fit all
41. Global education cites global mandated curriculums only
42. Central global governance will mandate own religious belief system
43. Central global governance will mandate tracking of every living being
44. Central global governance mandated modern weather modification technologies
45. Central global governance mandated and enforced vitamin and mineral supplements control
46. Central global governance mandated sexual interdependent activity prohibitions
47. Central global governance mandated expression of thoughts activity prohibitions
48. Central global governance mandated food and liquid consumption activity prohibitions
49. Central global governance mandated arts creation activity prohibitions
50. Central global governance mandated radio frequencies activity prohibitions
51. Central global governance mandated human excretion activity prohibitions
These are the 51 reasons to say NO to Javier Solana’s Global Governance world.

Thank you!
This pan-union global movement is sick, really.
I wonder what drives it except for ambition, lust for power and intolerance? I mean: who among us with less power and money would gain anything from it? What are the benefits for us down here?
Nonetheless, you here people everywhere embracing it and longing for it.
I can´t understand it from a psychological point of view even after reading all these books by Fukuyama, Brzezinski, Soros and the rest of the CFRs.
It only makes sense, if it is in fact a religion!
People disregard the undemocratic, fraudulent, corrupt and greedy aspects and HOPE...
Hope for what?
A one globalist party state?
Run behind the scenes by multimillionaire power brokers engaged in freemasonic tricks??
I just can´t understand this!
If it isn´t already Bible profecy.
Then I understand it.
Thanks for your 51 reasons!
It is the global government agenda we´re living thru, simply.
Absolutely sick and demented . Thanks for coming on board Janne.
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