Dismantling Zionism's Global Governance apparatus will have to be implemented as cleverly and shrewdly as Helen Thomas' first interview since her 2010 public defrocking.
"Ever have a friend who said he subscribed to Playboy for the fine articles? Well, Playboy Magazine has landed the first interview with former White House Press Corps member Helen Thomas since her controversial comments that Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine” and Jews “can go home to Poland, Germany and America.” She also shares her thoughts about Jewish influence and power.
“I knew exactly what I was doing – I was going for broke,” said the 90-year-old veteran newswoman about her now infamous May 27, 2010 remarks about Israel. She sat down with Playboy’s contributing editor David Hochman for the April issue released last week. “I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up…I finally wanted to speak the truth.”
excerpt taken from The Chicago Tribunes Truth Seeker
How do you get an American male to stop looking at the pictures and read the fine print?
Get an interview in Playboy.
BRAVO Helen!!!
And here are a few atypical Judaic matzoh balls thrown at Helen:
Helen Thomas: Modern-Day Haman?
Helen Thomas: Goldblog is 'Rotten'
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