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Tuesday, January 22nd
Daniel Hotel, Herzliya
Negotiating the Final Status Agreement
Introduction: Amb. Zalman Shoval, Chairman of the Board, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
Lt. Gen. (res.) Moshe Ya’alon, Senior Fellow, Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, Shalem Center
Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman, Portland Trust
Prof. Irwin Cotler, Member of Parliament, Canada
Prof. Stephen D. Krasner, Department of Political Science, Stanford University
Amb. Robert Serry, United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Envoy of the Secretary-General to the Quartet – a massage from the UN Secretary General to the Herzliya Conference
The Atlantic Alliance and the Broader Middle East: American and European Approaches
Introduction: Mr. Hermann Bünz, Director, Representative in Israel, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Mr. Peter Flory, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defense Investment
Amb. Dr. Robert Hunter, President, Atlantic Treaty Association; Senior Advisor, RAND Corporation
Dr. Josef Joffe, Publisher and Editor, Die Zeit
Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman, Director, Israel and Middle East Office, American Jewish Committee
Dr. Israel Elad-Altman, Senior Research Fellow, Atlantic Forum of Israel; Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
From the Outside, Looking In: International Perspectives on the Middle East
Chair: Mr. Natan Sharansky, Chairman, Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, Shalem Center; Former Deputy Prime Minister
Mr.Franco Frattini, Vice President, Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission
Prof. Li Zhaoxing, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, People’s Republic of China
Dr. David Wurmser, Executive Member, Delphi Global Analysis Group & Former Senior Advisor for Middle East and Strategic Affairs to US Vice President
Presentation of the Herzl Awards by Brig. Gen. (res.) Pinchas Barel-Buchris, Director-General, Ministry of Defense
Assessing Iran's Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities
Chair: Adv. Aaron Abramovitch, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Amb. John Bolton, Former US Ambassador to the United Nations
Dr. Kori Schake, Deputy Director of Policy Planning, US Department of State
Dr. Jon B. Alterman, Director and Senior Fellow, Middle East Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies
MK Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Member and Former Chairman, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
Can a Nuclear Iran be Prevented?
Chair: MK Maj. Gen. (res.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel, Member, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
Mr. Norman Podhoretz, Editor-at-Large, Commentary Magazine
Dr. Patrick Cronin, Director, Institute for National Strategic Studies
Prof. François Heisbourg, Chairman, International Institute for Strategic Studies (France)
MK Brig. Gen. Dr. Ephraim Sneh, Member, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
Discussant: Dr. Samantha Ravich, Deputy National Security Advisor to the US Vice President
Can a Nuclear Iran be Deterred?
Chair: Prof. Alex Mintz, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
Maj. Gen. (res.) Matan Vilnai, Deputy Minister of Defense
Dr. Adir Pridor, Head of the Institute for Industrial Mathematics
Dr. Jerrold Post, Director, Political Psychology Program, George Washington University
Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
Dr. Oded Brosh, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
Lt. Gen. (res.) Shaul Mofaz, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transportation and Road Safety; in charge of Strategic Dialogues
20:00 DINNER
Introduction: Prof. Herbert London, President, Hudson Institute
Ms. Tzipi Livni, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Former Prime Minister of Sweden
Presentation of the Herzl Awards by Mr. Lester Crown, President, Henry Crown & Co.Introduction: Mr. Robert H. Asher, Chairman, Society for Excellence through Education
21:30 “NIGHT OWLS”
Upgrading Israel’s Relations with the Atlantic Community
In cooperation with the Atlantic Forum of Israel
Chair: Amb. Michael Žantovský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Israel and NATO Contact Point Ambassador
Amb. Dan Gillerman, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations
Mr. Rafael L. Bardají, Director, International Studies, FAES Fundación
Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Atlantic Forum of Israel
Mr. Matthew Mark Horn, National Policy Director, American Jewish Congress
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