Program Update October 2006
Since 1991, Search for Common Ground has conducted a multi-track program to promote
peace, cooperation, and security in the Middle East. We contribute to these goals through
developing independent media and civil society, using the media to discuss critical issues, and
convening regional dialogues and building regional cooperation.
Holy Sites Initiative: To empower and mobilize Middle Eastern religious leaders as
peacemakers, we are facilitating a process which will result in leaders of the three Abrahamic faiths signing a declaration that recognizes and respects the attachments of the three faiths to their respective holy sites in Jerusalem and the setting up of an inter-religious standing committee to deal with potential crises in a peaceful manner. As part of this process, we are partnering with
Catholic University, Washington D.C. in a Holy Sites workshop in November whose purpose is to
clarify religious laws and customs relating to graves and cemeteries within Christianity, Islam and
Judaism and to offer opportunities for dialogue between religious leaders, legal experts and
The Jerusalem Old City Initiative: This initiative aims to build workable solutions on the future
of the Old City by advancing practical cooperation and improving conditions on the ground
through addressing the wide-ranging needs of stakeholders in the Old City. A second goal is to
provoke rigorous discussion about future governance options for the Old City and to generate new
possibilities and ways of thinking, through public education and advocacy.
The Jerusalem Old City Initiative
Project Overview
Mission Statement:The Jerusalem Old City Initiative will develop creative options for the governance and management of the Old City of Jerusalem in preparation for a negotiated settlement between Israelis and Palestinians. The powerful symbolic and emotional attachment which these two peoples have for the Old City and its holy sites requires careful preparatory work and discussion in order to create possible paths to a just and lasting peace. In encouraging dialogue and academic discussions on key issues that are critical to national and religious aspirations of all involved parties, a foundation can be established on which further political negotiations can be based. Working with Israeli, Palestinian and international civil society partners, the Canadian team will provide leadership and coordination in developing and implementing research, dialogue, advocacy and policy option identification relating to the critical issues that affect a settlement over the Old City.The Jerusalem Old City Security Assessment
November 2007
The Jerusalem Old City Initiative
Discussion Document
New Directions for Deliberation
and Dialogue
Did you notice that the search for common ground board of directors in WA DC has an AOC member on it?
Shamil Idriss, Acting Director, Office of Alliance of Civilizations, United Nations?
Yep, right on, Leana!!!
Leana, your question at Constance's place in regards to if the "Holy Sites Initiative" was dead, spurred me into a late afternoon dash query as I was getting dinner ready.
Thank you so much for that.
I'm finally starting to see a correlation here with this newest revelation about "The Jerusalem Old City Initiative".
I believe we are seeing how "The Trust" (aka the Power Heads Behind The Scenes) are pulling this whole Sham off.
It's similar to Javier Solana's Barcelona Process.
Then his Euro-Med Partnership For Peace initiative.
Then the European Neighborhood Policy Instrument.
They select a small, but heavily funded, group, with some key influential individuals, to accomplish one certain goal and inside that goal is yet another secondary goal to be implemented by the next group.
Kind of like Compartmentalization.
Separated into parts, but part of a grander design, with no room for public questions and no one specifically to blame. Just coincidence, yeah right, right?
Clinton Global Initiative
Holy Sites Initiative
The Jerusalem Old City Initiative
I believe this "Jerusalem Old City Initiative" (JOCI), is similar to what Dorothy mentioned to all of us earlier today. In addition, my conjecture is this is not only an example of the behind the scene deals that have already been decided, but that they are being implemented now and will soon be unveiled, more than likely in some kind of compartmentalization fashion.
This JOCI could possibly be related to the leaks and could also possibly confirm what we are hearing in regards to the land concessions that have already been decided by the Livni, Olmert and Peres led National Israeli Government.
Leana, I wonder what everyone's thoughts are on Thomas Dine, Former Executive Director, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), supporting SFCG's US-Muslim Engagement Project?
One other thought Leana.
All of these relentless efforts by "The Trust" will easily, at the pace it's going, meet the 2010 benchmarks.
I will be happy to eat a wholelotta crow if it doesn't. I loooove Southern Fried Chicken by the way.
But at this little o' moment in time, tis' Dead On Target.
Thanks Leana!
It is an interesting theory you have. Several months back, I had posted to Constance's blog, a "request" for anyone to google JS and Clinton Global initiative. What you would have found was that JS was in the members pages of CGI, but not any longer. There used to be a bio of him there, but it has been since removed. I don't know if they are downplaying the role that JS has there, or if he is no longer funding them through the Madariaga foundation.
It would only make sense that if this is "the time" one in JS's position would need to be integral in the rebuilding or consensus of the temple mount area. It appears that he does fulfill that role.
Wow Leana!!!
Now you See It, Now You Don't! as Constance would say? Madariaga Foundation Funding CGI!?!? Whew! That's a mind blower that one, huh?
I hope everyone's saving this info besides me and are making sure I'm not just seeing pink elephants being hung by a Daisy :)
I quite agree Leana, if there is downplaying going on, then there's something more afoot at the gate.
Great observations Leana, thanks.
I was able to find a small bio
although, not as a link from their site, through searching the web.
It has been some time since I saw the connection cgi- madariaga, and it was unfortuanately before I recognized what was important to print and what was not. perhaps with a little more digging I can find it again.
Good luck
Please, save everything you find on the links and anything else you find along the way.
The more I get from reading all of this material continues to remind me of a Quasi-Compartmentalization Intelligence technique.
I say that because I don't see any of this coming to public scrutiny.
And, since JOCI has already released it's Security Assessment report AND it plans to release their "Governance Working Group" and "Holy Sites Working Group" final report in 2008, they are counting on NO ONE to challenge their findings.
Since they are targeting the 3 Abrahamic Faiths, many followers of each of these religions will more than likely be forced, by their peers and due to lack of time to examine the material, into accepting the final clauses to implement their findings.
Both Final Reports are scheduled for 2008 this year.
There may not be enough time to FYI .
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