McKinney Joins The (Third) Party As Barr, Nader Fight On
If history is any indication, McKinney could bring fireworks to the campaign: Political junkies will recall her scuffle with a Capitol Police Officer, her suggestion that Mr. Bush might have been involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, and her quixotic efforts to impeach the president.
McKinney favors pulling troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, creating a Department of Peace, and reparations for slavery, among other measures. Her running mate is Rosa Clemente, who is described as a "hip-hop artist, journalist and activist."
As the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, McKinney seems to be targeting far-left voters disenchanted with Barack Obama.
Cynthia McKinney speaks on ‘free trade’ in Mexico
The following excerpts are from a recent talk made by Cynthia McKinney, Green Party presidential candidate in the United States. The statement was sent out on June 27th by the International Liaison Committee of Workers & Peoples (ILC) based in San Francisco. Go to www.organicconsumers.org to read the statement in its entirety.
McKinney Press Conference
July 20th, 2008 · No Comments
While she was in New York City recently, Cynthia McKinney held a press conference. In a comment here, Sherman Young suggested putting the video here, and that’s a wonderful idea. The video is produced and was posted by Craig Seeman This is but one of several videos. The rest can be seen by clicking on the on the “Read more” link or the article headline. Enjoy!
Green Party Launch New York Ballot Drive
July 20, 2008 10:26PM EDT [general.addtranslation] Download Article (PDF)Green Party presidential nominee Cynthia McKinney spoke in New York to launch a ballot drive
Describing why she choose to run for the Green Party McKinney said: "It's certainly not a journey that I expected or planned, but it has become an imperative journey." McKinney went on to say that in 2006 the American people voted Democrat for peace but got war. "What the American people thought they were getting was leadership in opposition to the policies of the Bush administration, but that's not what they got at all ... the U.S. voter got betrayed", McKinney said. "The Democratic leadership [became] complicit with the Republican leadership in war crimes, in crimes against humanity, in torture, in crimes against the peace" she said.
Responding to a question about African-Americans McKinney again concentrated on Democratic failings. She quoted the James Taylor Quartet song "Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight" as encapsulating the "one-sided, dysfunctional relationship" which failed to protect African-American votes in Florida in 2000.
Cindy Sheehan for Congress campaign, June 22, 2008
Straight to the Source
(San Francisco) Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Joins Cindy for Congress as Honorary Co-Chair as No-Strings Occupation and War Funding, Telecom Immunity Bills Are Ushered Through Democrat-controlled Congress
McKinney: "The point was to change Washington, DC, but instead Washington, DC changed Nancy Pelosi"
As a sign of tightening opposition to the string of hope-reversing policies being put forward by Speaker Pelosi, Green Party Presidential and pro-peace candidate Cynthia McKinney agreed to serve as an Honorary Co-Chair of Cindy Sheehan's campaign to oust Nancy Pelosi from Congress. "Nancy Pelosi needs to phone home, because it's clear that she's forgotten the values of the people of California who sent her to Congress. The point was to change Washington, DC, but instead Washington, DC changed Nancy Pelosi," commented McKinney, a former colleague of Pelosi.
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