Sunday, August 31, 2008
Cynthia McKinney Visits Detroit Michigan Labor Day Weekend
McKinney/Clemente Makes History
DETROIT — As the Democratic National Convention celebrates its first African American Presidential nominee in grand fashion—on a national stage with prime time TV coverage, the Green Party is also making electoral history, boasting the first ever all-women of color presidential ticket.
When Green Party Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney visits Detroit over Labor Day weekend, she will do so on the heels of announcing Rosa Clemente as her pick for vice president. Clemente, a community organizer, journalist, and hip-hop activist, accepted the vice-presidential nomination at the Green Party’s national convention in Chicago in July.
The Green Party’s historic nomination, however, will not be splashed on the front pages of mainstream newspapers or given air time on any TV news shows. Like any previous Green Party attempt to gain exposure on the national stage, this year’s candidates will have to combat a political/media apparatus that has no tolerance for third party appearances.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
AIM Cliff Kincaid Reports: The Frank Marshall Davis Cover-Up Is Over
The Frank Marshall Davis Cover-Up Is Over
AIM Column | By Cliff Kincaid | August 27, 2008
Jon Meacham writes in Newsweek that Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was “a strong voice for racial justice” and political activist whose “writings on civil-rights and labor issues” had “prompted a McCarthyite denunciation by the House Un-American Activities Committee.” Meacham is suggesting that Davis was the target of false allegations that he was a communist.
For entire article
War And Racism Moves Activists Protests Into The Streets At DNC - Rage Against The Machine Protest - Alex Jones False Flag Attack
Activists take to Denver streets against war, racism
By LeiLani Dowell
Dustin Langley
Aug. 26—A series of rallies, marches, teach-ins and cultural events have taken place in the first two days of people’s resistance to the Democratic Party during its national convention in Denver.

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE show ends with a march and sit-in
Yesterday's Denver anti-war concert featuring RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE and FLOBOTS was followed by a protest march to the site of the Democratic National Convention for a sit-in. Led by members of Iraq Veterans Against The War, thousands marched four miles from the Denver Coliseum, where the Tent State Music Festival was held, to The Pepsi Center, where the Democrats were officially nominating BARACK OBAMA for president. When they arrived, they staged a sit-in. The group was demanding an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, full health care benefits from returning troops and reparations to the Iraqi people for damages suffered during the war.
August 28, 2008 at 08:05:15
Media Runs False Flag On Alex Jones
by Amy de Miceli Page 1 of 1 page(s)
The DNC appears to be crawling with provocateurs, and its no surprise they are circling Alex Jones, waiting to strike. As he takes to the street of Denver he has been harassed by "anarchists" who push, shove and slander.On Monday evening Luke Rudkowski, of we are change, spotted Michelle Malkin on the street. Michelle is a neo-Con mouth piece who wrote the book, In Defense of Internment: The Case for "Racial Profiling" in World War II and the War on Terror. Malkin promotes the idea that Americans belong in FEMA camps, even if your only crime is looking like a "terrorist".
Calling Alex Jones a leftist and Michelle Malkin a conservative is ridiculous enough, but unfortunately, many people are beginning to repeat this disinfo, and have begun the campaign to paint the truth movement as a bunch of anarchists. Re-Create '68 is a group that Jones has NO affiliation with, in fact he warned specifically about Re Create 68 and their possible intentions at the DNC. Jones has never been violent and has only brought truth for those with eyes to see it. These accusations are absurd, the liars spewing them know it. This cannot go unchallenged.
Conservative Michelle Malkin and Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Square Off at DNC
Michelle Malkin and Alex Jones are two people as far apart politically as one can imagine. Michelle Malkin is a right-wing columnist whose views rankle almost as many people on the left as Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly. Alex Jones, on the other hand, is the head of the "9/11 truth" movement that tries to prove the Bush administration destroyed the Twin Towers and framed Arabs for it just to go to war. With Michelle Malkin on the far-right and Alex Jones as an anti-Bush conspiracy theorist, mixing those two together would make for high powered and perhaps dangerous theatrics. Those type of results are exactly what happened at the Democratic National Convention yesterday.Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Cynthia McKinney Slams Democrats Funding Of The Iraq War Outside Of DNC

DENVER, Colorado (CNN) — Controversial former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is in Denver this week, but she isn’t exactly here to attend the Democratic National Convention.
In fact we found her at a protest against US government detainment of “political prisoners."
CNN Source here
Sunday, August 24, 2008
DNC: Inside The Protest Zone
Reveling in a turnout that began as hundreds and swelled into at least a thousand protesters, Recreate '68 members naysayed those who said that the event would go bust with small turnouts and a lack of speakers.
"People seemed to think of us like they think of cockroaches," Mark Cohen, Recreate '68 member, said to the crowd. "They weren't happy for us to be here. But we're still here."
Prior to the march through Denver to the Pepsi Center, Recreate '68 hosted a carousel of speakers on the west steps of the Capitol this morning. The list of speakers included the likes of highly respected veteran and American activist Ron Kovic, author of "Born on the Fourth of July," to infamous and highly controversial figures like Ward Churchill.
Full article
The Israel Factor: Obama Scores Low

Republican |
John McCain |
The Arizona Senator said that Israel and U.S. are 'most natural of allies and like Israel itself - that alliance is forever. LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 7.12 |
Democrat |
Barack Obama |
The Senator for Illinois vowed to 'bring to the White House an unshakeable commitment to Israel's security.' LAST MONTH'S SCORE: 5 |
Saturday, August 23, 2008
McKinney On The Record: Leave The Oil In The Soil!

McKinney on the Record
Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney talks to Grist
By Kate SheppardGreen Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney sums up her energy policy with a simple, memorable rhyme: "Leave the oil in the soil."
"Right now we've got two energy policies in this country," McKinney told Grist. "One is war, the other is drilling. And neither one of them works." It's a message she hopes will win over voters who have tired of both the Democratic and Republican parties.
For entire article
Sarah Michelle Gellar: A Beautiful Slaying Of The Church The Wiccan Way
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Slaying Church Attendance Among Women, Study Claims
The old-fashioned attitudes and hierarchies of churches are causing a steep decline in the number of female worshippers, according to an academic study.
By Martin Beckford, Religious Affairs CorrespondentLast Updated: 10:24AM BST 23 Aug 2008
For entire article click here

50,000 Women Abandoning Church Every Year As Buffy The Vampire Slayer Turns Them On To Witchcraft
Christian churches in England have lost at least 50,000 women from their congregations every year since 1989, says a sociologist.
Dr Kristin Aune, from the University of Derby, said many young women are put off going to church because they link it with traditional values.
“Because of its focus on female empowerment, young women are attracted by Wicca, popularised by the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
“Young women tend to express egalitarian values and dislike the traditionalism and hierarchies they imagine are integral to the church.”
Huh. Clearly, Buffy was a very powerful (and sassy!) spiritual muse. But I was under the impression that Hollywood was after us to take up Scientology and yoga and Catholicism and Kabbalah and The Secret.
The Real World: Good Old Days Of The Cold War And U.S.-Russian Competition May Be Returning To The Middle East
Middle East Times, August 22, 2008
Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation,
Avoiding the New Cold War
It is still early to digest all the lessons of this conflict, but this geopolitical earthquake symbolizes that the tectonic plates of Eastern Europe and Western Eurasia are shifting. And this is just the beginning: the future of southern Caucasus, Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Empire is at play.
Most important, this war is not about Georgia, but about what kind of international actor Russia will be in the 21st century. If Russia expands its confrontation, grave implications for the Middle East will follow.
After an almost-20 year hiatus, the United States and NATO allies may once again prioritize Russia as a potential threat to their vital interests in Europe and beyond.
The question is whether NATO will send a strong signal to Moscow that its aggression will not stand. This should be done through tough diplomacy, in international organizations, and through inventive economic measures. The United States, its allies and Europe must do everything possible to reverse Russian aggression against Georgia -- and to prevent further hostile action against its allies.
For Source
Friday, August 22, 2008
Berlin & Russia's Secret Pact - Historic Foes Form An Alliance With One Another Just Before The Outbreak Of Full-Scale War!
August 22, 2008 | From
What it means for the United States and the rest of the world.
In a speech given on Monday to students at Herbert W. Armstrong College, editor in chief Gerald Flurry said that Russia’s attack on Georgia earlier this month signaled the beginning of a dangerous new era in history. As columnist Robert Kagan put it, “Historians will come to view Aug. 8, 2008, as a turning point no less significant than Nov. 9, 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell. Russia’s attack on sovereign Georgian territory marked the official return of history, indeed to an almost 19th-century style of great-power competition, complete with virulent nationalisms, battles for resources, struggles over spheres of influence and territory, and even—though it shocks our 21st-century sensibilities—the use of military power to obtain geopolitical objectives.”
To counterbalance the revival of Russia’s imperialistic aims, as we have been warning over the past two weeks, look for the German-led European Union to rapidly accelerate its drive toward militaristic unity! And as we have been saying for years, this resurgence of both power blocs—called the king of the north and the kings of the east in Bible prophecy—will result in a non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia modeled after the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement.
This has been the lesson of history. As my father told hwac students during his lecture, every time competition intensifies between Russia and Germany, the two historic foes form an alliance with one another. But they don’t last long. The strategic agreements are made just before the outbreak of full-scale war!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Rosa Clemente VP Nominee Answers Q&A At National Hip Hop Political Convention
Hip Hop VP: A Q+A With Rosa Clemente
Posted 08/21/2008 at 2:06 PM | Comment?As cell phone users await Barack Obama's text message informing them who his Vice President choice is, we present a Q+A with Green Party VP nominee Rosa Clemente.
The 36-year old hip-hop activist took some time in Las Vegas at the National Hip-Hop Political Convention last month to talk candidly with us about her historic run, the state of hip-hop activism, the Green Party and its discontents, and how she really feels about Hillary Clinton and Obama. What follows are excerpts from a long interview.
How did this nomination happen for you?
Cynthia called me on July 5th. It happened very quick. I didn't hesitate because that's just my personality. But by the time I got to the convention in Chicago, it was such a whirlwind. It was so fast, the nomination, meeting hundreds of Green Party members. It wasn't 'til I got off that stage that I was like, holy shit. I'm gonna be on a ballot in 40 states. That is so surreal.
In 2001, I had submitted a proposal to a foundation and it was called Hip-Hop Vote. They rejected me and they said that there was no way that a hip-hop generation--no matter how it was being defined--was going to make headway in voting. They could not see young people being so engaged in the electoral political system. And it's funny because now that's all they do. Any foundation is trying to fund young people like Generation Vote, Russell Simmons (Hip-Hop Summit Action Network), the National Hip-Hop Political Convention.
Front Page News:
Activist Networking Opportunities Abound According to Organizers
How many people will come is anybody’s guess. Spagnuolo says he has heard multiple estimates of anywhere between 10,000 and 50,000. According to Spagnuolo, Recreate68 came together “in the spirit of change that was achieved in Prague, Paris and Mexico City [in 1968]. People were in the streets around the world,” and that is what they are looking to “recreate,” he says...
Featured speakers at the 9 a.m. rally will be Vietnam Veteran and author of Born on the Fourth of July, Ron Kovic, independent congressional candidate Cindy Sheehan, Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and former Black Panther Party member Kathleen Cleaver..."
Click for entire article
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Obama In Deep Deep Doo Doo, Says Newest Zogby Poll - Unnamed Third Party Candidate Called "Someone Else" Gaining Ground
Cynthia McKinney,
AKA "Someone Else",
Recognized as
"Not Selling Out To Corporate Interests"
"Another point where Obama is in trouble is third party candidates. The Zogby poll asked about Libertarian Bob Barr, independent Ralph Nader and "someone else," the response that pulled more than Barr or Nader. The someone else Obama has nipping at his heels is very likely green party candidate Cynthia McKinney. She's the candidate most often mentioned by progressives who say there's no difference between Dems and Republicans, who say they will no longer vote for the "lesser of two evils." .
Former Democratic congresswoman McKinney was defeated in her last Democratic primary by a much more right-leaning, AIPAC supporting democrat. I'm convinced she was one of those rare incumbents booted out of office because of her opposition to US policy towards Israel. I don't think that's the main reason progressives are supporting her. It's one factor, but most are supporting her because she is not what they consider a corporatist who has "sold out to corporate interests."
For Entire article
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ron Fraser: Georgia And The Balkans Of Eurasia

August 18, 2008 | From
Suddenly the Transcaucasus leaps into perspective in the emerging global order.
Click for entire article
Black Christian Pastor Proclaims Boycott Against Socialist Fascist Barack Hussein Obama And Liberal Fascist Media/Corporatism Apparatus'
Atlah New York World Missionary Church Takes Courageous Stand
America's Fascist Liberal Empire
The Cutting Edge Reports

Black Pastors Wary Of Barack Hussein Obama's New World Views
Educating The Body Of Christ Regularly Is A Must!

Black Faces In High Places
Condoleeza Rice And Javier Solana Will Have Working Lunch Over Russian Developments Today In Brussels
Saturday, August 16, 2008
DNC Protest, Split, and the Principled Stand of Cynthia McKinney
"As the United States activated Navy ships and the Air Force to begin an airlift of non-specified goods into the former Soviet state of Georgia, and military exercises began in the Persian Gulf near Iran, I received communications from certain individuals among the Colorado Greens who were organizing campaign support events there, suggesting that I not participate in an anti-war program being organized by other individuals in Colorado." -Cynthia McKinney
For entire article click here
Friday, August 15, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama Communist Connection Verified By Obama For America - Cliff Kincaid Reports Attack On Jerome Corsi

Obama Confirms Relationship With CPUSA Member
Communist Party USA Member Frank Marshall Davis -
The Nail In The Coffin Deepens For Communist Barack Hussein Obama
AIM Column | By Cliff Kincaid | August 15, 2008
These pathetic attacks will probably generate more interest in the book.
With the release of a 40-page “Unfit for Publication” report attacking Jerome Corsi’s new book, The Obama Nation, it should be obvious that the media-backed presidential candidate, Barack Obama, is terrified of having his carefully concealed communist and foreign connections exposed to public view.
However, the Obama campaign’s attack on Corsi’s book and Corsi personally acknowledges on pages 9 and 10 of its report that the mysterious “Frank” in Obama’s 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, is in fact the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member Frank Marshall Davis. This identification by AIM and others hasn’t been disputed by the media, which has desperately tried to ignore the Obama-Davis relationship, but the Obama campaign has not responded to it until now.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
'Returning Power To The People' Via Marvin Gaye Singing America's National Anthem
The reason that I am no longer a Democrat is because the leadership of the Democratic Party has pressed the Democratic Party in ways that are not consistent, nor reflective any longer of my values.
( - An outspoken critic of the Iraq War who frequently challenged many of the Bush administration’s policies, Cynthia McKinney has always been a courageous advocate for the people. Having served six terms representing Georgia’s 4th Congressional District, she is well aware of the inner workings of the corridors of power in Washington D.C. and she seeks to change it.
Israel Supporters and Opponents Remember Cynthia McKinney And Her Father
McKinney scores Green Party nomination
Published: 08/13/2008Longtime Israel critic Cynthia McKinney is the Green Party nominee for president.
McKinney, whose father famously blamed the loss of her House of Representatives seat in 2002 on the "J-E-W-S," was nominated at the party's convention last month in Chicago. In her acceptance speech, published in a Washington alternative newspaper, she called for a new investigation of the 9/11 attacks and ending U.S. involvement in Iraq. She said that "if Green Party values were now reflected in U.S. public policy" there "would be peace in the Middle East based on self-determination, respect for human rights and justice."
Complete Article
Obama's Desperation Points To Powell: The Lies Of Saddam, WMD's, Iraq, Osama, Afghanistan, Hopes To Boost Barry Hussein's Run

So Will You Please Tell Condoleeza To Stand Up, McCain Is Calling
Sources say former Secretary of State Colin Powell will endorse Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention, Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol told FOX News exclusively on Thursday.
“He may well give a speech at the Democratic convention explaining his endorsement of Obama,” Kristol said, citing inside sources.
“This is not an absolute done deal, but these people are very confident that Powell will endorse Obama,” Kristol said, adding that he thinks Powell still has “a high respect” for John McCain, Obama’s Republican rival.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Revising History: Even After The Hindenburg Was Slowly Redeemed By Historians, Investigators Sift Further For Facts In Judaism Discovered

Correcting what we once were taught is a tough pill to swallow at times.
Addison Bain and scientists at NASA knew something else was missing in regards to the Hindenburg’s fate. They chose not to walk the yellow brick road.
So, we too at times find ourselves on the narrow contrarian road to redemption.
What will we find?
Hopefully the Wizard Of Oz unclothed.

Judaism Discovered By Michael A. Hoffman is one contrarian road.
Throwing his book in the flames of the global banned campfire as Amazon has chosen to do is a head scratcher. So, keep note of this event by It’s historical and relevant in context to Global Governance. Will the future continue holding back other such books?
Will an independent biography about Javier Solana, Barack Obama or the Rothschilds be drenched with the flammable liquid ills of our society to justify the global justifiable?
That’s for you to decide.
So until then, enjoy your freedom and keep investigating while you still can - johnny
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama’s Liabilities: Bernie Mac and Morgan Freeman Fail To Reach Baracks Utopian Dream Of The New Black American Father

Bernie Mac's untimely death should not be overshadowed by the public correction he received from Obama earlier this year because of some "off colored non family" jokes at a Chicago fund raiser.

And now, although Morgan Freeman's recent car accident with a female companion has left the actor with a few broken bones, it is the actors unfortunate divorce from his wife of 24 years that adds to Barack's father figure dilemma.
Both Bernie Mac and Morgan Freeman's support for Obama is reality, but the pursuit for Barack's father continues to be illusory.
Are there any "Black Faces In High Places" that can solidify Baracks Dream Of His Father similar to his mentor Frank Marshall Davis?
Let's stay tuned for more wild cards
Thursday, August 7, 2008
It’s Now The Imperative For Our Survival: McKinney/Clemente Tops Green Party 2008 Presidential Ticket - Corporatism Makes Greens Invisible
Women Top Green Party Presidential Ticket
CHICAGO ( - There is still a woman with an active campaign to become the first female president of the United States, and her last name is not Clinton. She is Cynthia McKinney and on July 12 she was officially named the presidential nominee for the Green Party of the United States at their convention recently held in Chicago.
This is the first presidential run for Ms. McKinney, a former member Congress from Georgia who previously served six terms representing DeKalb County’s 4th Congressional District. Ms. McKinney believes that the best way to effectively deal with quality of life disparities in health, economics, and social conditions between Blacks and Whites is by influencing public policy.
“Our responsibility is to seek out a solution so that we can influence those collective decision makers, so that we can become those elected decision makers so that we can have power over public policy with the stroke of a pen,” Ms. McKinney told The Final Call.
For entire article click here
Corporate Media Makes Greens Invisible -
Corporate Media Strangles Democracy
The Washington Post refuses to cover the Statehood Green Party, despite the fact that they are the number two vote-getters - outpolling Republicans - in the nation's capital. As Green Party national standard bearers Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente point out: "It is equivalent to rigging an election." Democracy has nothing to do with it.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Barack Hussein Obama A "Risk" To Israel Says Former Ariel Sharon Minister
Sharansky Backs McCain, Calls Obama a 'Risk' To Israel
( Former Prisoner of Zion Natan Sharansky has termed Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama a "risk" to Israel if he is elected president. The former minister in the Sharon government, who also is a personal friend of American President George W. Bush, told Shalom TV that he prefers Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain.
Getting to Obama, there is no record. It can happen to be good. It can happen to be very bad. It's a risk.
Shalom TV is an American Jewish cable network that reaches 18 million homes.
"In the case of McCain, we know exactly where his policy is," said Sharansky. "I know, personally, McCain for 20 years. He is a person of principle, and he is also a person who has absolutely a great record of supporting Israel. Getting to Obama, there is no record. Nobody can know for sure what will be. It can happen to be good. It can happen to be very bad. It's a risk."
The interview with Sharansky on Shalom TV can be seen here.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Cynthia McKinney: The Formula For Winning, Obama's Lead In Mass. Eroding, Poll Finally Includes McKinney

Cynthia McKinney's Formula For Winning In November
By Timothy Gatto
05 August, 2008
I’m sure that everyone has heard the same argument put forward by the Democrats at least a hundred times or more; “A vote for a third-party candidate does nothing but insure a McCain win” (or a reasonable facsimile thereof). If I hear this ridiculous argument one more time I will probably need stitches in my tongue from biting it.
First of all, the premise behind the argument is irrational. The worst thing about advancing this kind of black/white, either/or argument is that the argument becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. When people advance the idea that only a Democrat or a Republican can win a Presidential election, it helps to reinforce that idea in people’s minds. The more this argument is echoed throughout America, the more people believe it. There are a number of reasons why the next president doesn’t have to belong to the duopoly that has taken this nation to the brink of disaster.
( - BOSTON – Democrat Barack Obama ( 47 percent ) leads Republican John McCain ( 38 percent ) by 9 percent among Massachusetts voters, according to a poll released today by 7NEWS/Suffolk University. Green Party nominee Cynthia McKinney and Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr each polled 1 percent, while 13 percent of voters surveyed were undecided.
The poll sharply contrasts with a June 7NEWS/Suffolk University poll, which showed Obama with a 23-point lead, 53 percent to 30 percent.
"Barack Obama’s campaign has hit a soft patch this summer," said David Paleologos, director of the Political Research Center at Suffolk University in Boston. "With November just three months off, it still appears an Obama outcome in Massachusetts is not in question, but the margin certainly is."
For entire article
First presidential poll to include both McKinney and Nader
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party's candidate for president, is currently polling at 1 percent, according to a national poll conducted by Opinion Research Corporation released by CNN, and reported on today by Angus Reid Global Monitor. This is the first poll reported on by Angus Reid, a poll tracking organization, to include McKinney.
The poll found that 6 percent would vote for Ralph Nader (Independent/Peace and Freedom Party (in California only)), and 3 percent would vote for former Congressman Bob Barr (Libertarian Party).
The poll found Senator Barack Obama (Democrat) has a 4 point lead over Senator John McCain (Republican) - 46 percent to 41 percent.
In previous elections, Nader has polled considerably higher than his vote total on election day. Whether that holds true this year, and if it holds true for McKinney and Barr, remains to be seen. McKinney's vote total could benefit from her being the only woman on the ballot in most states.