Obama Confirms Relationship With CPUSA Member
Communist Party USA Member Frank Marshall Davis -
The Nail In The Coffin Deepens For Communist Barack Hussein Obama
AIM Column | By Cliff Kincaid | August 15, 2008
These pathetic attacks will probably generate more interest in the book.
With the release of a 40-page “Unfit for Publication” report attacking Jerome Corsi’s new book, The Obama Nation, it should be obvious that the media-backed presidential candidate, Barack Obama, is terrified of having his carefully concealed communist and foreign connections exposed to public view.
However, the Obama campaign’s attack on Corsi’s book and Corsi personally acknowledges on pages 9 and 10 of its report that the mysterious “Frank” in Obama’s 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, is in fact the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member Frank Marshall Davis. This identification by AIM and others hasn’t been disputed by the media, which has desperately tried to ignore the Obama-Davis relationship, but the Obama campaign has not responded to it until now.
KINCAID WROTE: But if the relationship were so innocent, why didn't Obama identify Frank by his full name in his book and denounce his communist and anti-American views? Why doesn't he denounce those views now?
RESPONSE: Obama didn't identify "Frank" by his full name in his book because he identified a number of people only by their first names. This is common practice in a memoir. I would think a journalist like Cliff Kincaid should know that. Obama probably did not (and does not) denounce his "communist and anti-American views" because Davis did not reveal any "communist and anti-American views" to Obama. What specific "communist and anti-American views" is Kincaid referrring to?
His demand for fair wages and other benefits for workers?
His demands for equal protection of the laws?
His demands for freedom of the press?
His support for a woman's right to choose?
His demand for integration of the armed forces?
His support for the integration of the AFL and CIO?
His demand to end restrictive covenants in real estate:
His support for the Fair Employment Practices Act?
His demand for general dismantling of all laws supporting racial segregation
His demand for an end to laws support anti-Semitism?
His demand for an end to nuclear weapons?
His demand for the rights of soldiers in combat zones to vote in national elections?
His support for a broad United Nations (not just the U.S. and Great Britain forming a world power union)?
KINCAID WROTE: "Regarding the Davis-Obama relationship, now confirmed by the Obama campaign, the Post, as well as its "conservative" competitor, the Washington Times, recently ran a dishonest Associated Press story that portrayed Davis as a positive influence on Obama who had no affiliation with the CPUSA. This was the real lie."
RESPONSE: What evidence do you have that Davis was not a positive influence? If the AP's failure to mention Davis's affiliation with the
CPUSA is a "lie," then AIM's portrayal of Davis's "Red Army" poem as anti-American is ALSO a lie, because AIM failed to mention that the Red Army was an ALLY of the United States when the poem was written. If AIM-speak considers half-truths to be "lies," then AIM may one of the world's biggest liars because AIM columns regarding Davis are filled with half-truth's including the facts that:
-When Davis opposed U.S. entry into WWII, both Congress and the general population opposed U.S. entry into WWII. Failure to mention Davis's position was the common position was a half-truth, and therefore a "lie" in AIM-speak.
-When Davis was associated with communist-affiliated institutions, other leading African-American writers, such as Richard Wright and Langston Hughes were ALSO associated with communist-affiliated institutions. It was NORMAL for African-American writers to be associated with communist-affiliated institutions for one simple reason. According to The New Red Negro ONLY the Communist left had any significant institutional impact on African-American writing during the 1930s and 1940s. This support was crucial as the institutions that had maintained the New Negro Renaissance faded. And for better or for worse, the leading CPUSA functionaries involved in "Negro work" took a direct interest in African-American cultural production in a manner that was unusual, if not unique. Failure to mention that Davis's association with communist-affiliated institutions was NORMAL during that period was a half-truth, and therefore a "lie" in AIM-speak.
AIM should be careful about calling the kettle "black." If AIM's half-truths are added to AIM's direct falsehoods, they may set a new record in the Annals of Prevarication.
I do think it is well worth doing a side-by-side comparison between each candidate regarding their positions and public statements.
If you start seeing devious secret purposes and conspiracies, there's really no end to where the mind can wander.
With that in mind, I do think you really need to look at John McCains communist connections when discussing this subject.
Keep in mind that John McCain himself admitted that he 'cracked' and provided the Communists with information and helped create propaganda while he was a prisoner of war. He made a number of radio broadcasts and several movies. These broadcasts were heard by loyal Americans fighting the war and were used to sap their morale.
You really can't blame the guy. He had all 4 limbs broken and was not given medical aid. In fact, the only way he survived was by telling the Communists that he was the son of a a US general. After they learned that, they gave him special treatment, above what the other prisoners got. John McCain hated that - but at the same time it is what allowed him to survive. He received medical treatment at a hospital, which is not what prisoners normally get.
There have been some within the Republican party that have wondered if John McCain might be some sort Manchurian Candidate? There's also the uncontrollable rages that John McCain goes into. Hard to tell if these are the result of torture or what?
Hi kaleokualoha or MKD.
Saw your same comment over at Cliff's original article.
Hey Scott I'm with you Bro, let's make sure we include ALL the candidates Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney, heck, all of them in a side by side and let the people decide.
If only the media will do it..
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