Monaco Of The Balkans
Goodbye Monaco, Hello Montenegro
British financiers are backing a new playground for the rich in a Balkan port
The roads are crumbling and the power and water supply is erratic but British investors are placing bets. Welcome to Tivat, which is being described as the Monaco of the Balkans.
It may lack the cachet of Cannes, but developers have big plans for Tivat, a derelict port and former Yugoslav naval base in the tiny former communist country of Montenegro.
A group of high-profile investors, including Lord Rothschild, the financier and friend of the Prince of Wales, and his son Nat, are converting what used to be the dockyard into a marina for the oversized yachts of the rich and famous.
It is hoped that Porto Montenegro, as it is to be christened, will become a magnet for mega-rich yacht owners cruising the Mediterranean.
For more click here
Monaco Of The Adriatic
The Mafia paradise that holds secret to tycoons' alliance
By Richard Pendlebury and Neil Barnett
Last updated at 1:00 AM on 24th October 2008
Springtime in Brussels and a familiar figure is wreathed in smiles as he announces his latest diplomatic masterstroke.
After three years of talks Peter Mandelson, the EU Trade Commissoner, has secured a bilateral agreement with the tiny Adriatic nation of Montenegro.
'Today's signature is an important milestone,' he cooed. Montenegro's progress towards becoming a reliable world trading partner had been 'remarkable'.
Too Close For British Comfort
From The Times Online Slide Show
Osborne And The Oligarch

George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, was forced to give a statement to the press denying claims that he tried to solicit a £50,000 donation to the Tory Party from a Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska
(Paul Rogers/The Times)

The allegations, made in a letter to The Times by Mr Osborne’s former university friend Nathaniel Rothschild, concern a series of meetings held with Mr Deripaska (pictured) in Corfu
(Vasily Smirnov/ITAR-TASS)

Peter Mandelson, the Secretary of State for Business, was present at some of the meetings, during which it is claimed he had dripped ’pure poison’ about Gordon Brown - before he was recalled to the Cabinet
(Gareth Fuller/PA)

Mr Osborne was joined at the meeting by Andrew Feldman, Conservative chief fundraiser, who it is claimed discussed a donation. Political parties cannot accept donations by foreigners, but they would have been permitted had they come through Mr Deripaska’s UK-based Leyland Daf company
(Susannah Ireland/The Times)
Nathaniel Rothschild, pictured here in 2003, got to know Mr Osborne at Oxford’s notorious exclusive drinking society, the Bullingdon Club
(Dominic O'Neill/Desmond O'Neill Features)

The Bullingdon Club of 1992: pictured are (1) George Osborne, (2) Harry Mount, (3) Chris Coleridge, (4) Lupus von Maltzahn, (5) Mark Petre (6) Peter Holmes a Court, (7) Nat Rothschild, (8) Jason Gissing


A Google Earth Image shows the Rothschild Estate, a short way up the coast.
(Google Earth)
Peter Mandelson oligarch Oleg Deripaska linked to mafia boss
Click for source
The £5 billion reason Rothschild knifed his friend George in the back

As Oleg Deripaska's yacht sailed away from the fateful encounters off Corfu last August her captain set a course far from the playgrounds of the mega-rich and headed for one of the most desolate harbours in the Adriatic. The Queen K had dallied for days at the gorgeous anchorage near Nat Rothschild's magnificent cliff-top villa, but on 27 August, just after hosting Mandelson, Osborne et al, the £80 million vessel dropped anchor off a wharf filled with rusting cranes, crumbling concrete and a couple of half-sunken Cold War submarines.
Nathaniel Rothschild is a member of the Advisory Council at the Brookings Institution.
"Little more than 10 years later his fortunes have been transformed and Rothschild now looks set to become one of the most succesful members of the family. He has a partnership in Atticus Capital, a $14bn New York-based hedge fund, a web of private equity investments in Ukraine and eastern Europe and homes in Corfu, Paris, Moscow and London as well as his principal home in Klosters, Switzerland. He is also on the international advisory panel of the influential Brookings Institution and was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2005".
From Serial Partygoer To International Powerbroker: The Financier Nathaniel Rothschild
Tories face call to repay Rothschild £1m loan
Atticus seeks to boost investors after funds hit
Lord Mandelson denies 'favours' for Russian oligarch
Bretton Woods II meeting is 3 weeks away, these EU/UK financial excursions will play an important role in deciding what to do in regards to the Global Economic Crises. There is a global financial link that's being decided right now. Can the dollar stay on life support till then? Will a new global reserve currency be adopted?
Here's food for thought, please don't kil the messenger:
To all; we have about 3 weeks before the scheduled BW II meeting. Whether the markets make it and stay open until then remains in doubt. As I see it there is either a "deal or no deal". If there is a deal, the Dollar will be dethroned as THE reserve currency. We will no longer see all commodities priced in Dollars and the U.S. will experience problems with funding both its trade and fiscal deficits. At this point I do not believe there is enough capital left worldwide available to fund the Treasury's three ring circus going forward, I think the well has already been tapped almost dry over the last 3 months. This is why the world wants a change.
If the U.S. resists the changing of the guard as I suspect they will, the game will completely end. The world will shut off the capital spigots and the only avenue available will be direct Fed monetization. Without a deal, the U.S. will not be able to purchase foreign goods using Dollars. This will result in an old fashioned margin call and a credit shut off. The U.S. must either acquiesce or be shut off and live off of its own production. The failure to agree to what the world is demanding will result in the equivalent of BANKRUPTCY. Ask yourself this question, without foreign lending where would the Treasury be?
Do not be fooled by the vertical move over the last month or so in the Dollar and weakness in foreign currencies. This has been a short squeeze of historic proportions that will dry up and reverse faster than it ascended. At this point the U.S. is clearly abusing world capital markets by sucking up massive amounts of capital with the copious amounts of Treasury auctions. The world has said "enough".
Deal or no deal the world will, has, changed forever. The Chinese and Russians have joined the European chorus by issuing veiled or coded warnings to the U.S. regarding the paper games being played in the Gold and commodity markets. They are pissed! Who could blame them, the U.S. has borrowed massive amounts of capital with a never ending future calendar and are now suspected of using some of this foreign capital to paint the charts of various markets. Deal or no deal, the world will demand...SHOW ME THE GOLD! After more than fifty years without an audit, is it possible that the only thing the government hasn't lied about are the contents of Ft. Knox? We will soon know, the world is demanding it.
A 21st-Century Bretton Woods
Bretton Woods II "To All" comment from Bill H to Bill M Le Metropole
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