Geronimo's Great Grandson Asks Yale Secret Society to Return Ancestor's Skull
The great grandson of Geronimo says he wants to know whether Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University has the remains of the famous Apache chief and shaman. continues

Law Blog Lawsuit of the Day: Geronimo v. Yale
"Decendents of Geronimo are asking a secret society at Yale called Skull and Bones to give back Geronimo’s, well, skull and bones. (Hence the name?) Here are stories from Fox News and the Yale Daily News.
According to reports, the complaint (not yet available), filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C., alleges that members of Skull and Bones long ago invaded Geronimo’s grave to steal his skull for, as Fox puts it, “fraternal” (and, it seems, skull-related) “rituals.” A handful of others, including Yale, are reportedly named in the complaint.
The descendants say they are investigating claims that in 1918, members of Skull and Bones, including Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, invaded Geronimo’s grave at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, and stole his skull, some bones and other items buried with him. Three members of the Skull and Bones, including Prescott Bush, served as Army volunteers at Fort Sill during World War I. The suit asks that Geronimo’s remains be returned to his native land in Oklahoma and given a proper burial."
On The Subject Of "The Sins Of Our Father" here are two of my favorite scenes from "Smoke Signals" Life on the rez (reservation) - "Bartering" and "How Do We Forgive Our Fathers." Will keep an update on this event. Enjoy
Kevin Annett:
Hidden From History
Whistle Blowing Minister to Commence Continental Speaking Tour to "Disestablish Genocide"
Telling the Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
VOICES of the Canadian Holocaust
"Unrepentant" can also be viewed in wide screen format here at Video Google.
I am sad to see the misuse of God’s Word to the Israelites being either an excuse to be cruel to anyone, or being used to blanket all Christians with the unchristian behavior of nominal Christians. It would be interesting to get some kind of commentary from you Johnny, as to what you want to happen as a result of these videos.
Jesus will restore all.
The predatory ASSIMILATION of sub-human species into the collective or the predatory ELIMINATION of sub-human species into the collective IS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE.
What would Geronimo say about America's quest for Global Governance is really about?
"I am Global Governance.
Resistance is futile.
Your life as it has been is over.
From this time forward, you will
service us.
Lower your shields and surrender your ships.
We will add your sub-biological and sub-technological
distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service us.
Existence, as you know it,
is over.
You will be assimilated or you will be eliminated."
"I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction."—Isaiah 48:10.
COMFORT thyself, tried believer, with this thought: God saith, "I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." Does not the word come like a soft shower, assuaging the fury of the flame? Yea, is it not an asbestos armour, against which the heat hath no power? Let affliction come—God has chosen me. Poverty, thou mayst stride in at my door, but God is in the house already, and He has chosen me. Sickness, thou mayst intrude, but I have a balsam ready—God has chosen me. Whatever befalls me in this vale of tears, I know that He has "chosen" me. If, believer, thou requirest still greater comfort, remember that you have the Son of Man with you in the furnace. In that silent chamber of yours, there sitteth by your side One whom thou hast not seen, but whom thou lovest; and ofttimes when thou knowest it not, He makes all thy bed in thy affliction, and smooths thy pillow for thee. Thou art in poverty; but in that lovely house of thine the Lord of life and glory is a frequent visitor. He loves to come into these desolate places, that He may visit thee. Thy friend sticks closely to thee. Thou canst not see Him, but thou mayst feel the pressure of His hands. Dost thou not hear His voice? Even in the valley of the shadow of death He says, "Fear not, I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God." Remember that noble speech of Caesar: "Fear not, thou carriest Caesar and all his fortune." Fear not, Christian; Jesus is with thee. In all thy fiery trials, His presence is both thy comfort and safety. He will never leave one whom He has chosen for His own. "Fear not, for I am with thee," is His sure word of promise to His chosen ones in the "furnace of affliction." Wilt thou not, then, take fast hold of Christ, and say—
"Through floods and flames, if Jesus lead,
I'll follow where He goes."
C.H. Spurgeon
Johnny adds:
Like Victor in the movie Smoke Signals, we stand holding the sinful ashes of our fathers on the bridge of our tomorrow.
Beneath us are the cleansing rushing waters of The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ Our Restorer, letting us release the hidden, letting us release the past, letting us release the unrepentant unto truth. His mercy, His Justice and His long suffering will restore us all.
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