* SEPTEMBER 13, 2009, 1:21 P.M. ET
Protesters March on Washington
WALL STREET JOURNALWASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of demonstrators descended on Capitol Hill Saturday, protesting the expansion of government spending and illustrating the network of conservative activists that has emerged in opposition to President Barack Obama's policies.
Organizers said they believed people from all 50 states came for the "Taxpayer March on Washington." Crowds filled nearly every pocket of open space near the west lawn of the Capitol, many standing and listening without a view of the stage. They marched from Freedom Plaza, adjacent to the White House, as shouts of "U.S.A." echoed through downtown Washington and marchers dressed as colonials banged drums. Some people stayed stranded on Constitution Avenue as the program began near the Capitol, unable to find room to watch the speakers.
A spokesman for D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services estimated the crowd at "in excess of 75,000" people. Local and federal law enforcement authorities don't provide crowd estimates.
The gathering was largely peaceful. Speakers and demonstrators said they opposed Democratic plans to overhaul health care, as well as the bank bailouts of the past year. "It's not about health care, it's about Obama seizing our freedom," said one sign. Opposition to climate-change bills moving through Congress was also on display, with coal workers in hard-hat helmets lining the front of the stage during a speech about energy.
A million or more rock Washington
Taxpayer march could be biggest rally ever in capital
Posted: September 12, 2009
9:57 pm Eastern
Chelsea Schilling and Alyssa Farah
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Hundreds of thousands descend on Capitol |
WASHINGTON – The capital was rocked today by a taxpayer march and rally that could be the biggest protest ever – potentially dwarfing the Million Man March and the Promise Keepers Rally.
Though crowd estimates vary from as low as 60,000 to 70,000 according to ABC News to a high of 2 million by London Daily Mail, photographs and videos of the march and rally demonstrate its enormity.
The taxpayers stormed Washington, D.C., today, taking their fight against excessive spending, bailouts, growth of big government and soaring deficits to the front door of the U.S. Capitol.
All week citizens have been heading to the Hill by the busloads for the showdown today. The Tea Party Patriots' "Tea Party Express" national bus tour has been hosting a series of tea party rallies all across the nation. A caravan of buses, speakers and entertainers arrived in Washington, D.C., just in time for the march. The taxpayers have paid their own way to the event.
The White House said Friday it was unaware of the rally. President Obama has traveled to Minneapolis, Minn., to promote his health-care plans at a rally there.
But so many taxpayers showed up on Pennsylvania Avenue that the crowd ran out of room and the march was forced to begin early.
WND was at the scene to get crowd reaction and take photos of the protest.
Live at the scene in Washington, D.C. (WND photo) |
Citizens carried hand-made signs that read:
- 2010: Vote all incumbents out!
- Our Constitution has termites!
- We are under attack by our own government
- Stop the march of socialism
- You can put lipstick on communism, but it's still communism
- My family, my doctor
- Obamacare makes me sick
- Go green: Recycle Congress
- I'm not your ATM
- We had a dream. We got a nightmare
- Is this Russia?
- You Lie!
Congratulations to everyone who participated today in the March on Washington. Whether you were on the ground in DC, at home watching CSPAN, or using social media to help get the word and photos out, pat yourselves on the back.
While Robert Gibbs stated that the President was unaware of today's events and most of the main-stream media avoided the event, anyone who watched or participated knows that over a million people came out to stand for our freedoms, constitution, and our country!
Unfortunately, it appears that our fight has just begun. Late yesterday, Senator Baucus came out and said that a bill is close to leaving the finance committee. He will be sharing the bill with the "Gang of Six" and hopes to push something out of committee by Tuesday.
Please make sure you get on the phone, fax, and email tomorrow and make your thoughts known to the Finance Committee. More details to follow shortly.........

By: Devvy
September 10, 2009
© 2009 - NewsWithViews.com
As Americans awaken from good times, indifference and apathy, they are looking for leadership. Citizen activism and "grassroots" is alien to so many. Some find it intimidating and scary, but know in their hearts that we are in serious trouble and everyone must stand up and fight. On September 8, 2009, I sent out an email which Jeff Rense posted to his web site. It's short, so I'll reproduce it here:
Why was Marsha Blackburn or any Politician allowed to speak?
Marsha Blackburn Voted FOR: Omnibus Appropriations, Special Education, Global AIDS Initiative, Job Training, Unemployment Benefits, Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations, Agriculture Appropriations, U.S.-Singapore Trade, U.S.-Chile Trade, Supplemental Spending for Iraq & Afghanistan, Prescription Drug Benefit, Child Nutrition Programs, Surface Transportation, Job Training and Worker Services, Agriculture Appropriations, Foreign Aid, Vocational/Technical Training, Supplemental Appropriations, UN “Reforms.” Patriot Act Reauthorization, CAFTA, Katrina Hurricane-relief Appropriations, Head Start Funding, Line-item Rescission, Oman Trade Agreement, Military Tribunals, Electronic Surveillance, Head Start Funding, COPS Funding, Funding the REAL ID Act (National ID), Foreign Intelligence Surveillance, Thought Crimes “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, Peru Free Trade Agreement, Economic Stimulus, Farm Bill (Veto Override), Warrantless Searches, Employee Verification Program, Body Imaging Screening.
Marsha Blackburn Voted AGAINST:
Ban on UN Contributions, eliminate Millennium Challenge Account, WTO Withdrawal, UN Dues Decrease, Defunding the NAIS, Iran Military Operations defunding Iraq Troop Withdrawal, congress authorization of Iran Military Operations.
Marsha Blackburn is my Congressman.
See her unconstitutional votes at :
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