Larry, Larry, this all you can do?

Seinfield writer, cultural Judaic change agent, comedian, Larry David un-masterfully creates small skit by urinating on picture of Jesus.
Here is a perfect example of the old hat of Judaic stratagem.
- Urinate on Jesus
- Cause Strife
- Bring Unity And Interfaith Oneness to the world
Sorry, Larry David, is this all that Hollywood can do?
Larry David and Judaic Hollywood will have to do more than that to usher in Alliance Of Civilizations High Level Group Member Rabbi Arthur Schneier and Pope Benedict to find common ground.

At least Melissa Etheridge and Western Influenced Pakistani Rock Star Salman Ahmad (pictured below)

What perfect timing since Obama has just signed "The Hate Crimes" bill.
And of course Interfaith dialoguer, Abraham Foxman of The Anti Defamtion League, praises Obama for this "monumental achievement and great day for America".

QUESTION: Would Kirk Cameron

be considered "Anti Semitic" for urinating on a picture off Rabbi Heifetz Haim

... or Rabbi Chaim Ozer

... or Rabbi Chaim Ozer

Yes, he would.
But note the Rabbinic safety net of 'Comedic license" that this falls under.
Sorry Kirk...even if it was under "Comedic License" you didn't donate to the Dancing Rabbi's telethon this year...or did you? There's always loopholes, right?

Oh well, it doesn't matter. Christian Zionists still won't get it.
At least now...we will all live to the anthem of Michael Jackson's "Black Or White" or "We Are The World" anthem at tomorrow nights Hallowed Eve Harvest festival at any of your local "Christian" churches. Scary?

If you can stop...take a deep breath...step back...and look at the whole picture and not play into the expected retalitory violence...then guess what?
You defeat the Babylonian ploy and defeat the road to the Global Unified Belief System.
Stay off the road toward a New Global Unified Belief System and subscribe to the monthly newsletter. Do it now! - Johnny
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