Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. — Confucius, (traditionally September 28, 551 BCE – 479 BCE) (taken from Analects XV.24 tr. David Hinton)
The May newsletter identifies "Mr. Bruce Lee: The First Chinese Anti-Global Governance Celebrity. Chinese And Judaic Relations? Not A Chinaman's Chance Pt 5"
Ip Man 2, the biopic sequel to Mr. Bruce Lee's Grand Master, Yip Man, is smashing attendance and box office records in Asia and Internationally. The Anti-Global Governance ramifications of this film counters Globalization straight through the heart with honesty and strength, which no other country, religious or political figure past, present or future has been able to sustain.
It is this longevity of courage, hope and action which China has held to that has squashed the Socrates mentality of Illuminative organizations and treaties.
Expelling the rustic taste of Western influence like a set of worn out amalgams China has put NATO in check with only one move to counter - will "Checkmate" be heard globally?

Since December 2009, Ip Man and now Ip Man 2 has been shrugged off the Western Alliance radar, due to the fact of the Wests own Hollywood perception of Chinese Martial Arts films.
Worldwide 20th Century Philosopher and Martial Arts Star, Mr. Bruce Lee quickly submitted "Checkmate" on the many levels...
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