"Hollywood Priest: A Spiritual Struggle" Father Ellwood Kieser book
from Amazon.com
The Hollywood Priest: Father Kieser encountered two Kabbalistic Gaia trips to India. "Insight" American TV Series, 1960-1983 founder Hollywood Neo-Platonic German Catholic Priest Father Kieser, Second Vatican Commentator, Interfaith Adherent, Navigates 24 Years Of The Paradigm Shift Towards Global Governance
The Hollywood Priest dedicated his life towards, "illuminating the contemporary search for meaning, freedom and love. "
The Judaic Babylonian Talmud with its Neo-Platonic renaissance cancer bore much fruit in the dis-order of Christianity, very, very early on.
Infiltrating the Popes and Protestants of Europe soon it crossed the Atlantic in search of new human potential to wreak havoc and destruction in America.
Fast forward to the 20th Century and the 1950's was a petri-dish of laboratory post Eden thought with pre-modernist intentions.
Thus the purest vehicle to carry this plague was Catholic pre-modernist television; "Insight", the TV series. A sort of Twilight Zone with good morals feel good television. And all along the paradigm shift, the change of thought, gradually ate away the last defenses of humanity's Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Does today's 50 and 60 year old "Christians" remember? Nope. Its been de-programmed and dis-informed with other more suitable delicacy's. The memory hole was filled with the Eden caramel bitten apple of the 1960's and 1970's.
24 Years shifting the paradigm towards Global Governance and yes the Hollywood Priest was indeed honored and awarded for his illuminating transfigurative artistic endeavors.
Congratulate him in the Presence of The Lamb of God.
Surely, Spurgeon may have experienced the Downgrade Controversy in the Baptist Church of England, but the Downgrade Controversy in the Church of America has yet to be addressed.
Born in Philadelphia in 1929 and graduating from that city’s La Salle University in 1950, he joined the Paulist Fathers the same year. The Paulists are an order of Catholic priests dedicated to ministry to those outside their church through the media.
Paulist Father Ellwood (Bud) Kieser was the founder of Paulist Productions and the highly acclaimed television series Insight. Beginning in 1960 he worked in the entertainment community in Hollywood as a priest-producer, using television as a vehicle of spiritual enrichment.
In 1958, Father Kieser established an institute of adult education in theology intended for persons of all religions. He directed the institute until 1964.
In 1960, Kieser created Insight a television series designed to exploit the humanizing potential of television and use it as a vehicle of spiritual education.
In 1972 and 1973 "Insight" won the Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Religious Programming.
In 1973, Kieser received a Ph.D. in the theology of communication from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. His dissertation was titled “Cinema as Religious Experience.”
In 1981 through 1984 "Insight" won the Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Religious Programming.
Link http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053510/
Link http://www.culturewars.com/CultureWars/1999/rogers.html
Link http://www.paulist.org/history/notes_ellwood.php
Link http://www.paulistproductions.org/prod_insight.html
Link http://www.paulistproductions.org/founder1.html
Link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insight_%28TV_series%29
Link http://www.amazon.com/Hollywood-Priest-Ellwood-E-Kieser/dp/0385419198
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