October's Fall newsletter, "Mr. Bruce Lee: The First Chinese Anti-Global Governance Celebrity. Chinese And Judaic Relations? Not A Chinaman's Chance Pt. 10" travails the real politik of Sino International Relations and the early Western influence of Communism in China.
How Anti-Communistic was Mr. Bruce Lee here in America? How Westernized had his influence been in China?
Global Governance models have to create its own perceptions. Perception is crucial for Global Governance. These perceptions have to create a particular polarity in its opponents. These polarities are thus created for the purpose to engage these opponents. If these perceptions are achieved then whatever agenda it was created for can then be manipulated and carried through without question. And here, is Hegel's Dialect.
Perhaps no better example of Western Global Governance failure in the creation of dialectic perceptions was the Anti-Communistic role Mr. Bruce Lee was portraying and the Anti-Judaic role he firmed his philisophical belief system in.
The rarest and sought after campaigns of aggression are formed in the foundry of temporal man's heart as his crucible cups...
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