Global Governance backfire and assassination of “Mr. Bruce Lee: The First Anti-Global Governance Chinese Celebrity. Chinese and Judaic Relations - Not A Chinaman's Chance Pt 12 - Conclusion”.
As political in-correctness continues to be revealed and concealed Sino-Western relations continues to look like a bleak Greek tragedy.
Although this office was repeatedly denied FOIA documents on Mr. Bruce Lee throughout this monthly newsletter series for the year 2010 it is perhaps historically fitting, prophetically worth repeating, when we hear Ex-National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski respond to the recent Wikileaks leaks controversy. Asked if this will hurt U.S. (Western) Foreign Policy he responds,
“There was a saying once in Vienna during the good old days of the Hapsburg Empire that when things went wrong and people were asked for comment, the comment usually was: "Well, it's catastrophic but not serious." And that's the way this is.”
Catastrophic...but not too serious? Is the romanticism of warriors past worth repeating from this cynical think tank?
Perhaps history is on its cyclical harvest and what we are witnessing is the trodden wine press before its pouring forth of discontent and malice on everyone anti-Global Governing and anti-Zionist. No further searches are needed on this subject as the abandonment of U.S. Hegemony and its lackluster economic confidence cycles us forward.
And here also, to the chagrin of the E.U. NATO Israeli Triangle, Sino relations are ever so patiently waiting. Waiting perhaps for a last ditch effort for the Western Global Governance ideology to reconcile its past sins and incorporate a new era. This dream for a new reconciled era is also cyclical. The last major reconcilable opportunity came and went with Mr. Bruce Lee. But perhaps this too alludes most historians and is brushed aside into the iconic recollections bronzed into legends.
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