Annapolis Was Already A Success and Already In Place Before It Even Started.
It's sometimes hard to fathom the depth of The Europe-NATO-Israel Triangle but here again is another article affirming that an Historical Transformation is occurring In Plain Sight.
This time lets hear from Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni December 7th 2007 address at the NATO-Mediterranean Dialogue Meeting in Brussels.
"This idea of a dialogue between NATO and the Mediterranean countries represents an understanding and re-assessment of the new nature of the challenges we all face and the need for new alliances to challenge them.
From the Israeli perspective, this dialogue represents two important but different perspectives:
The second perspective is the fact that ...This (the NATO-Mediterranean Dialogue Ministerial Meeting) symbolizes new understandings of the common challenge and gives hope for the future.
In Annapolis we launched three different processes:
1. The bilateral process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, aimed to try and answer all issues revolving the conflict.
2. The process of actual changes on the ground -
a. the implementation of the Roadmap - an obligation that both parties took upon themselves in Annapolis. Israel expects the Palestinians to meet these obligations, to fight terror, as we are ready to implement our part.
b. Direct support of the international community to the capacity-building of the PA - in order to create a functioning and effective government.
3. The process with the Arab world - it is needed for the legitimacy, support of normalization in stages, to show that we understand the same challenges and threats.
On the 12th of December (Note* Same Day as CFE Treaty with Russia Officially Ends) we will hold the first negotiations meeting, but as the Israeli chief negotiator I want to say that our ability to bridge the gaps, to make compromises on the issue of borders, directly relates to our security needs. And so the gap we need to bridge is between the future understandings we will reach and the situation on the ground.
I believe that it is our responsibility and aspiration to meet these goals and to implement the vision of two states for two peoples, living side by side in peace and security, but simultaneously we need to work together in order to stop smuggling of weapons in Lebanon and Gaza, and to fight terrorism wherever it arises.
There needs to be an understanding that peace requires not only a political agreement between the parties - that is to be achieved only through direct bilateral talks - but also through the assurances of its implementation on the ground (Note* This was unveiled at Annapolis).
Israel's ability to reach an agreement based on substantial territorial concessions directly relates to our need to make sure we do not jeopardize our security and our future.
Here, I believe, the dialogue between Israel and NATO begins".
Thank you Ms. Livni for clearing that up for us.
So, lets continue to sift through the news for our clarity.
O Come O Come Emmanuel
And Ransom Captive Israel
Beautiful scriptures Rudi,
Thank you so much.
I often think about those scriptures in the future/present tense how Yeshua is with Israel yet Yeshua is not recognized as such.
Such Eternal Love to all of us is beyond human expression, yet as you referenced Rudi the Holy Spirit reveals and one day, yes one day, fully revealed.
each day more is being vealed and confirmed. I love what Rudi said. I believe God is pulling the hearts of His children to pray for those who are deceived because the harvest is just about ready. the wheat and the weeds will be pulled one for eternal glory the other for eternal destruction. He wishes non should perish.
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