Friday, February 5, 2010

Napoleon Bonaparte Believed Zionist Identity And Heritage Will Last - Says Benjamin Netanyahu In Herzl Address

This excerpt is at 2:04 to 3:10

Benjamin Netanyahu's 2010 Herzliya Closing Address

There's a well known story about Napoleon (Bonaparte)

That one day passed in front of a synagogue on the ninth of Av

And he (Napoleon) heard the people inside crying and wailing

And he (Napoleon) asked, "What are they crying about?"

And he was told by the Jews there, "We are crying because our temple has been destroyed."

And he (Napoleon) said, "How is it possible that I didn't hear about this?"

He had to be updated you know, that there was no internet at that time, but still he wanted to be in the know.

"How could it be that nobody reported to me that your temple was burnt down?"

And then he was told by the worshippers in the synagogue that, "It happened over 1700 years ago."

And then he (Napoleon Bonaparte) said to them, "A nation that can recall its past, this way, its future is assured."

Austria's Zionist son, Theodor Herzl, would have been proud to hear that Zionism's fate would be assured. And according to Benjamin Netanyahu, Napoleon Bonaparte, Antichrist and Enemy Of God, as so condemned not only by the Russian Orthodox Church but others, confirms that the identity and heritage of "Zionism" has to be assured, at all costs.

You see, Talmudic folklore serves many purposes for many reasons.

And at this particular event, The 2010 Herzliya Conference, The Balance Of Israel's National Security, it is indeed of grave importance to end the conference with a call to remembrance of Zionism.

The Emperor has been dis-robed by one of their own.

Shlomo Sand's book "The Invention Of The Jewish People", 19 weeeks
in Israel's best sellers list has brought the naked truth about Zionism.

The real national security threat that Israel is facing is its history.

Zionism from Moses Hess to Theodor Herzl is now being illuminated.

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