You Could Be Considered As A Member Of A Domestic Para-Military Group,
If You Support
Ron Paul,
Cynthia McKinney,
Chuck Baldwin,
Ralph Nader
If You Support
Ron Paul,
Cynthia McKinney,
Chuck Baldwin,
Ralph Nader
Say No To Global Governance - Facts And Observations On Javier Solana, Austria, Israel, Germany, Judaics, Alliance Of Civilizations, UN, Zionism, European Neighborhood Policy, Euro-Mediterranean Partnership/Barcelona Process, Herzliya Conference, Atlantic Forum of Israel,Global Unified Belief System, New Age Religion, NATO, NATO PA, Bible Prophecy, The Europe-NATO-Israel Triangle, Jerusalem Old City Initiative, NATO’s Transformation, MED Dialogue, Geopolitics, Russia, International Relations
More than 30 of these sites are in the US, but what our agencies seem concerned with is not the expendable US citizen, but with “mind control” of the public, and if the last election doesn’t demonstrate its effectiveness, nothing but rocks falling on us will.
“As WND reported earlier, a covert visit to the encampment found neighboring residents deeply concerned about military-style training taking place there but frustrated by the lack of attention from federal authorities. The visit was conducted by the Northeast Intelligence Network, which worked with an Internet blogger, "CP," to publish an report.’
A lawyer spearheading the effort in Washington state to bring light to the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president says he was shadowed all day today by officers with the federal Department of Homeland Security, the Snohomish County sheriff's office and the Everitt city police department.
Johnny, here is another reason terrorist are not being followed, the authorities are to busy:
Thanks set and anon.
True Liberty always gains.
That picture is a great picture for True Patriotism. No matter what, the basic liberties in the Constitution is there.
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