Monday, March 2, 2009



I believe in one Holocaust®, conceived in Hollywood, born of the New York media: and in Six Million Judaics, who suffered under Adolf Hitler and were gassed, made into lampshades and cremated. In the 21st century they arose again, to haunt the living and the dead. I believe in Elie Wiesel and the geysers of blood, and Arnold Friedman and the color-coded crematory smoke, the holy Shoah biz Church, the communist saints, no forgiveness of German sins, the resurrection of lies, and the shelf-life everlasting of the Auschwitz gas chamber stories. Amen.

-from Michael Hoffman On The Contrary


This is to all my readers who still will not purchase Michael Hoffman's Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit

The following are the most recent readers comments to his Apostate's Creed. I would like for you to place close attention to Hoffman's replies. May we all, myself included, continue to be enlightened in our old age.
- Johnny

P.S. Goodness gracious great balls of fire, there are so many things in his book that are vital. I do not mind discussing one of them with you. If you have already purchased his book I would like to discuss with you the central topic from pages 555-589 with a special emphasis on his concluding synopsis which has greatly coincided with my recent UN AoC posts. - Johnny

20 Comments Close this window Jump to comment form
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left out three Hellilujahs!!!

1:31 AM

Anonymous Steve said...

Good one Michael, the new prerequisite to churchianity. I couldn't have said it better myslef! It can be familiar rants form orthodoxy (a word I've grown to hate) such as this that can alert people to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.

6:05 AM

Blogger dolorosa said...

Sadly, it has come down to this, and Bishop Williamson knows it but so many (in fear) have decided to turn their backs on him. The problem is they should know better. The new church of Vatican II has been playing patty cake with the enemies of Christ for over 40 years now. Various apparitions like Our Lady of Akita have warned this would happen:

10:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny but not helpful

1:12 PM

Anonymous DumbGoyNot said...

funny but not helpful said the Rabbi.

2:41 PM

Anonymous Jungle Jim said...

We had a great belly laugh at that Michael.Keep up your great work exposing those who would destroy both your body and your soul in hell.

2:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What else is there left to say? Keep right on trucking!

6:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Well, Obama might as well make this the national anthem along with the hymn: " O When the Six Million Go Marching In..."

I'm glad you have a good sense of humor Mr. Hoffman! Thanks a six million! He-he-he!

7:11 PM

Blogger johnny said...

Awesomely funny and true. Thanks Michael.


8:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended a morning mass once where the priest read from the Diary of Anne Frank instead of reading the Gospel. I am not kidding. One young lady became agitated--the rest of us were stunned in silence and confusion--and cried out: "Father! Please! For love of God!" She was a lone, stricken voice. I always remember her.

I like this Bishop Williamson also.

Is the Pope Catholic? is no longer a rhetorical question.

2:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha hahaha hahahaha etc!
Good work Michael.
And a Happy HollowCo$t Day to all Chosen Ones!!!

PS Hahahaha!!!

4:09 AM

Blogger Mission Impossible said...

Many of you will doubtless find this recent blog dialogue (from the London Times) informative, and illustrative of the mental disease, so humorously depicted by Mr. Hoffman:

After reading through the visceral and hostile comments in passionate defence of Holocaustianity, you may all be astonished to realize that the Blog owner: a Ms. Ruth Gledhill, is supposed to be the 'Religious Correspondent' for no less than The Times (of London). One look at her photograph might help explain the problem.

The commenter ... Dr. Irene Lancaster ... is apparently a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in the U.K. She is a Jewess and makes regular appearances in blogs to excuse Israeli genocides and defend that Saturn worshipping belief system we mistakenly refer to as Judaism.

4:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my Gawd-

You horrible, horrible people-

This must be one of those HATE sites!

Oy Vey...this is Anti-semitism!

They ought to do something about you people...this is inappropriate and unacceptable.

Oh my Gawd, now I know the rumors are true.

We need laws to protect our people from you, you are obviously dangerous.

I'm calling the police.

7:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's now official - there's no actual shortage of Holocaust survivors -

Extract from The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York (published by Verso, London and New York, 2000):
'The Israeli Prime Minister's office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million' (p.83).

Check under Google "Holocaust Survivor" and see how many for yourself..

8:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Michael!!

Both the extremely Judaized (Apostate) Roman Catholic, Orthodox (Eastern/Greek/Russian) Catholic and the Baptist/Protestant Catholic churches have this creed in common now. Perhaps they may be made, in comparison to the real creed, to see their non-salted, extinguished lamp Talmud-in-substance testimony as comparable to your recent parity.

8:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now, the "diabolibal disorientation" of the Church spoken about by Sr. Lucy, one of the three child visionaries of the Mother of God at Fatima, Portugal 1917 A.D., has made itself plainly visible for the entire world (Christian or not) to see.

The lives of millions of Catholic Christians from nations all across the world are sent off to fight, die and be maimed in wars instigated by Rothschild bankers decade after decade on account of the Catholic Church's Hierarchy burying the Messages, Instructions for a Collegial Consecration by the Pope and Bishops of the Church and Secrets of Fatima, and that has to be hushed-hushed, yet when the exaggerated myths and lies of 'The Holocaust' are openly examined and studied, those in the Vatican wind up jumping through hoops!

The true 'Holocaust' has been and continues to be the marching off of Catholic Christians and millions of non-Christians throughout our World to the 'Death Camps' of the Banker to the Vatican Rothschild's world wars and Marxists revolutions his Bankers have funded for the past centuries.

The Vatican Prelates have not and will continue to NOT "bite the hand that feeds them".

- Fr. Joseph

8:43 AM

Blogger Joe said...

You may be playing into the hands of the Zionists, Michael.

They are a self-hating people (witness their every action on a global scale) and would like nothing better than to have more "outside" hatred heaped upon them thereby fulfilling their desire to be thought of as victims.

If enough people hate the Zionists it is likely physical action will be used to demonstrate the world's displeasure with them. If overt physical action is carried out in the United States, for example, there's a good chance martial law would be declared and nothing would please the Zionists more; anything that would weaken the US pleases them to no end.

It is time to suck in our guts and show restraint at this point in time; the court of world opinion has been effective, most recently with Interpol showing interest in investigating and issuing warrants (for war crimes) against top officials in the Zionist government of Israel. It is ironic that Iran is the one initiating the cry for war-crime trials.

Frivolous utterances at this time can be very counter-productive.

9:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe, above, makes a salient point. The court of secular opinion has judged zionism quite unfavorably. Just look at the success of the book, "The Israel Lobby," as well as former President Jimmy Carter's recent book in which he criticizes the state of israel and its treatment of the Palestinians. Pope Benedict XVI knows how international opinion (whether public or private) is allied against the judaics. The Pope also possesses the acumen to know that any critical remarks he makes of israel and zionism will undoubtedly be taken in some quarters (even and especially among non-Catholics) as some sort of license or permission to do them harm. Conseqeuntly, the Pope cannot publicly embrace the revisionist position. However, I'm certain the Pope was well aware of Bishop Williamson's views. Lifting the excommunications was certainly an attempt at bringing the infection of judaic influence to the surface and letting the pus run, so to speak. No one really has to condemn the judaics -- they do a splendid job of that on their own. Additonally, casting aspersion on the ethics and morality of the Vatican and the Pope only inspire Protestant sentiment and is vastly more harmful to Church unity than judaizing is. Indeed, few Catholics have jumped ship to convert to judaism over the past forty years, but constant criticism of the Church by "trads" in that same time has been sufficient to empty pews and inspire apostasy and schsim. I wonder how many "trads" would want to discover that it was their beloved hero Cardinal Ottaviani who authored the Vatican's hush-hush policy of moving pederast priests around like chess pieces. Indeed, you can download the original Vatican document (in Latin or English) from the following site:

Ottaviani, like Lefebvre, was a clericalist at heart. Pope John XXIII's aggiornamento was not only an attempt to extinguish the clericalism clearly evident in Ottaviani's tragic document but also to extinguish the rigid, oppressive (dare I say talmudic) legalism that was a byproduct of the Tridentine reforms. One only has to read a moral theology manual from the pre-Vatican II years to see evidence of this legal positivism.

12:07 PM

Blogger Steve in Vista said...


To the point, simple and quite clear. No mistake about it. The condemnation of the Talmudic Zionist liars (Jew and non-Jew) that you demonstrate is on target. Well said.

12:32 PM

Blogger Michael Hoffman said...

Anonymous 12:07 p.m wrote: Joe, above, makes a salient point. The court of secular opinion has judged zionism quite unfavorably. Just look at the success of the book, "The Israel Lobby," as well as former President Jimmy Carter's recent book in which he criticizes the state of israel and its treatment of the Palestinians.

Hoffman replies: Let's see, that's two anti-Zionist books versus twenty thousand Zionist propaganda articles and broadcasts and books plus the New York Times, Rush Limbaugh's 20 million listeners, Fox News, Spielberg movies, etc. etc.

Anonymous 12:07 p.m wrote: Pope Benedict XVI...possesses the acumen to know that any critical remarks he makes of israel and zionism will undoubtedly be taken in some quarters (even and especially among non-Catholics) as some sort of license or permission to do them harm. Conseqeuntly, the Pope cannot publicly embrace the revisionist position.

Hoffman replies: Harm who? Israeli war criminals? The pope can't embrace the truth allegedly because it will mean that Judaics will be attacked? In which case let's not have the pope embrace the truth about Islam because Muslims will be attacked, or about American war crimes, because Americans will be attacked...By your criterion, truth becomes hostage to its effects. This is a masonic-Rotarian standard.

Anonymous 12:07 p.m wrote: Lifting the excommunications was certainly an attempt at bringing the infection of judaic influence to the surface and letting the pus run, so to speak.

Hoffman replies: This is a really disgusting analogy worthy of Dr. Goebbels. Do people imagine that the fight against Holocaustolatry, Orthodox Judaism and Zionism is a fight against the Judaic people themselves some of whom agree with none of these three? Who planted this rabbinic seed in the minds of the right wingers? Judaic people are victims of this unholy trinity. We work for their liberation as for that of every human being.

Anonymous 12:07 p.m wrote: No one really has to condemn the judaics -- they do a splendid job of that on their own.

Hoffman replies: Why would we want to "condemn" anyone just because they were of Judaic ethnicity? Why this constant generalizing about millions of people? You do the work of the rabbis when you make Judaic people synonymous with Zionism, Judaism and Holocaustianity --they clearly are not; anymore than every Italian is synonymous with the Catholic Church. Generalizations like yours drive Judaics who are on the fence back into the arms of their rabbinic and Zionist slavemasters. We should be recruiting every Judaic person of good will. Our struggle is their struggle.

Anonymous 12:07 p.m wrote: Additionally, casting aspersion on the ethics and morality of the Vatican and the Pope only inspire Protestant sentiment and is vastly more harmful to Church unity than judaizing is.

Hoffman replies: We're back with the criterion that truth cannot be told if its effects are bad. "Protest sentiment" is vastly more harmful than the spread of the religion of Orthodox Judaism, heirs of the Pharisees? On what do you base that notion? I can't find it in my Bible. While Catholics were publishing and promoting the Talmud in Renaissance Italy, Lutherans were documenting and exposing the evils of the Talmud. The inaugural scientific scholar in that regard was the eminent Prof. Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, author of "Entdecktes Judenthum," which was seized and banned by order of the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor. Tell me again why I am not supposed to mention these truths?

Anonymous 12:07 p.m wrote: Indeed, few Catholics have jumped ship to convert to judaism over the past forty years...

Hoffman replies: In the past forty years millions of Catholics have "jumped ship" to join Judaism, only it is not formally called Judaism, it's called the modern Catholic Church with its relentless promotion of Holocaustolatry. This newchurch of Holocaustianity is Judaism for gentiles. Then there is Republic neoconism led by Limbaugh, the Weekly Standard, Hannity, Michael Savage, National Review, all with a huge number of Catholic adherents. Again, the Leo Strauss Neocons represent a backdoor into rabbinic and Zionist belief without the need to formally convert or "jump ship." But jump ship they have.

To the best of my knowledge, Pope Pius XII never even mentioned the execution gas chambers. Now Richard Williamson cannot be a bishop unless he affirms them. This is Judaism for gentiles but it's called the Catholic Church. If these facts cause people to become Protestants, who can blame them?

Anonymous 12:07 p.m wrote: I wonder how many "trads" would want to discover that it was their beloved hero Cardinal Ottaviani who authored the Vatican's hush-hush policy of moving pederast priests around like chess pieces. Indeed, you can download the original Vatican document (in Latin or English) from the following site:

Ottaviani, like Lefebvre, was a clericalist at heart. Pope John XXIII's aggiornamento was not only an attempt to extinguish the clericalism clearly evident in Ottaviani's tragic document but also to extinguish the rigid, oppressive (dare I say talmudic) legalism that was a byproduct of the Tridentine reforms. One only has to read a moral theology manual from the pre-Vatican II years to see evidence of this legal positivism.

Hoffman replies: I thought you said that "casting aspersion on the ethics and morality of the Vatican" was "vastly more harmful" than Judaism itself? s this not what you are you doing here vis a vis Cardinal Ottaviani?

If Cardinal Ottaviani is guilty of what you claim that fact should be known. Why do you drag Archbishop Lefebvre into it? For guilt-by-association?

Finally, this is not the place to debate the "legalism" of the Council of Trent.

Postscript: I wish readers of this blog would study this writer's 90 page introduction to Eisenmenger's "Traditions of the Jews," as well as my book, "Judaism Discovered," otherwise many are fated to recycle these tedious neo-Nazi and right wing myths about Judaic people.

I will repeat a thesis of my book: we are struggling with spiritual and ideological forces, not people of any ethnicity! This is a key distinction.

Rabbinic plants, beginning with Hitler himself, always do the work of the rabbis by telling Judaic people, "we hate and distrust you." This is antichrist sentiment.

How can we convert honest Judaics if we only fulfill what their rabbis have foretold about us? When are we ever going to shatter this dull, senile pattern and addicted habit of mind?

1:05 PM

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